In September we harvest peaches from our orchard.

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Fairy Folk and Wildlings come together with children to sample the first ripened peaches.

Little Penelope Porcupine loves peaches.

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As temperatures begin to cool our Wolf River Apples start to ripen.











And later our pears…

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Mid October is harvest time in our orchard on the north side of a small mountain in Maine.

Pixie Pears (6)










Organically grown with fairy dust our trees bear an abundance of fruit which fills our pantry, as well as supplying a food source for Wildlings and Fairies.

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Adults and children, Fairy Folk and Old Horse,

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Family, neighbors and friends,

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All gather together harvesting natures bounty.











Turning work into play is the Fairy way and we always take time for merriment.

Old Horse is Guardian of the Home Place Fairies as well as to a mortal girl and her younger sister.


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He was long ago enchanted by fairy folk and though he ages he never grows old.

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Yesterday we harvested pears, eating as we picked,

Pear Cider










Later we delivered our pears to the Apple Wizard and his Fair Lady who along with a young wizard in training pressed them into cider.

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We will dry fruit; freeze fruit, make sauces, bake pies, pastries and tarts.

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A Pixie Pear Tart sweetened with fairy dust.

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After her belly is full of peaches, apples or pears Penelope heads home.

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Cutest little porcupine I have ever known.