spring dreaming (1)








Here Ye, Hear Ye… Spring is right around the corner!

Spring 2017 june (2)ab







The back meadow at my farm is visited daily by a flock of Robins as well as a gathering of Blue Jays.

How lovely the air smells, how soft the ground once hard has become beneath my rubber booted feet.

Old Horse in the Poppies










Soon fairies will awaken from their long winter slumber and leave the forest to join Old Horse and myself in the gardens.

Forest Fae









Come Spring










For now I tidy up the glass greenhouse readying to start planting seeds; I  water the pithouse more often now as the temperatures rise; the sun shines brighter and the days are longer and warmer.

Fairy Pit House









Please click on the link below to enjoy a happy little spring time video.


Come Spring (3)








Dreaming … Spring is just around the corner!

Old Horse and the Fairies










Horse Faes